Section 1 The Missing Mass of Galactic Rotation
Section 2
The Source of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation


Section 1

One of the primary reasons to initially speculate the existence of a background of matter was to attempt to account for the dark matter or missing mass of galactic rotation. The missing mass of galactic rotation is the mass not yet observed but which is required to explain galactic rotation with the force of gravity alone.

Whirlpool Galaxy M51

The missing mass of galactic rotation, or dark matter, must exist if the only force considered to drive galactic rotation is gravity because there is 90% too little mass observed in a typical galaxy to account for the rotational velocity of the stars and dust clouds in rotation around the galactic center.

One of the author's driving hopes was that a background of matter could possibly explain the dark matter or missing mass of galactic rotation. It was hoped that since the flow of the background is magnetic flux, that some combination of plasma physics (magnetic flux) and general relativity (contracting spacetime around galaxies) - both known physics - could possibly explain the missing mass of galactic rotation.

Plasma physics was obviously involved in galactic dynamics judging solely by the great jets some galaxies produce, which are obviously focused by magnetic flux. General relativity obviously must be observed by any theory and it was hoped that general relativity could help explain the missing mass of galactic rotation by spacetime actually contracting around galaxies and concentrating intergalactic matter in the galaxies.

, the author discovered the book Quasars, Red Shifts, and Controveries by Halton Arp. Observation is everthing and a theory is only as good as it fits the observations.

Quasars, Red Shifts, and Controveries by Halton Arp Interstellar Media 1987.
Seeing Red, by Halton Arp
Apeiron. 1998

Halton Arp's interpretation of the observations is stunning in that it is the complete reverse of all other conceptualizations of galactic dynamics. All other conceptualizations have the galactic matter condensing under the influence of gravity. Arp observes active galaxies to eject quasars which ultimately develop into full galaxies.

Arp strongly argues that spiral arms of spiral galaxies are created by are trails of bipolar ejecta which are ejected from the galactic nucleus.

The matter creation ejection mechanism purported by Arp negates the need to explain the missing mass of galactic rotation.

First, gravity alone ...

Supposing gravity as the only force driving galactic rotation means supposing there must be 90% more mass than has been observed.

There are two problems with dark matter that contradict the known laws of physics. One problem is that the dark matter of galactic rotation must be transparent in the frequencies observed. The other problem is that the dark matter must not radiate thermal radiation like every other known body of matter in the universe.

Therefore, there are 3 glaring signals that something is wrong with thinking that gravity is the sole driving force in galaxy dynamics:

Once the Unit Matter Substructure Theory had been deduced, and the distinction between matter and energy as components of Standard Model particles had been made, the direct consequence was a possible massless cold particle, a particle of pure matter.

Since the Unit Matter Substructure Theory explained a dozen mysteries of particle physics, it seemed it had to be correct.

If the Unit Matter Substructure Theory was correct, then there was the massless particle of pure matter to consider.

One had to wonder if a ubiquitous massless particle of pure matter could be a candidate for the dark matter required to explain galactic rotation.
[For a Space Telescope Science Institute definition of dark matter.]

Clearly, jets emanting from some galaxes are evidence of trmendous magnetic flux in the nucluei of those galaxies.

Plasma cosmology seemed better able to explain galactic jets of antimatter than pure gravitational interactions, expecially when 90% of the mass required to explain galactic rotation is missing. Plamsa cosmology is ruled out in standard accepted physics because of the large electrostatic forces that must exist.

The initial concept in thinking of the background of matter might explain galactic rotation was that the background could be contracting around galactic nuclei and ejecting out the poles somewhat like the atomosphere contracting around low pressure cells and ejecting air out the center pole. This is a deeper concept that simple electrostatic type forces causing galactic rotation because the background is contracting, space itself is contracting, and the motion of the background is magnetic flux.

Therefore, the question was, is there some sythesis of general relativity (with space contracting) and plasma cosmology (motion of background is magnetic flux) that could explain galactic rotation?

Section 2

If the Background of Matter had a temperature above absolute zero, it should radiate thermal radiation..There should be a corresponding thermal blackbody radiation curve. The blackbody thermal radiation curve would give the temperature of the background of matter. There is just such a thermal radiation curve observed in the universe, the cosmic microwave background radiation.

The realization that a background of matter would harbor some ambient energy, and would have to be detectable through a thermal radiation curve, was a driving bit of evidence that their might indeed be a universal Background of Matter.

The cosmic microwave background radiation is a perfect thermal blackbody radiation curve of a body of matter at a temperature of 2.7 degrees above absolute zero. In other words, the measured temperature of the background ocean is 2.7 °K.

The cosmic microwave background radiation is proposed to be direct evidence of the existence of a cosmic background ocean of cold massless matter. The measured cosmic microwave background radiation is offered as direct evidence of the background ocean of matter because it is a perfect blackbody thermal radiation curve of a body of matter at 2.7 °K.

The explanation of the source of cosmic microwave background radiation as the radiation of the background of matter is what one would normally postulate to explain a thermal radiation curve on an instrument in a laboratory, that one was measuring a body of matter at a certain temperature.

Due to the cosmic nature of the cosmic background radiation, a body of matter being responsible for the source of the radiation was unthinkable. It is however, a much more cause and effect mechanism than the faint afterglow of the creation of the Universe mechanism.

Part III Chapter 14 Objections and Problems

Title Page
of the Nature of Matter
Table of Contents of the Nature of Matter
The Background of Matter Home Page

Last update: December 30, 2000Created March 12, 1997

Copyright © 2000
Starlight Publishing Company
Hermosa Beach, CA