The following categories of phenomena are proposed as evidence of the existence of a background of matter:

(This page) (Link to Chapter 4)
Evidence 1 Galactic Rotational Motion
Evidence 2 Magnetic Flux
Evidence 3 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
Evidence 4 Virtual Particle Screening
Evidence 5 Particle Creation/Annihilation
Evidence 6 Special Relativity
Evidence 7 General Relativity

Chapter 4 details each category of phenomenona.

The following is the flow of logic the author proceeded through in first realizing the vast amount of scientifically observed evidence that has long indicated the existence of the background of matter.


The triplet unit particle substructure of quarks explaining quark fractional charge math allowed for the distinction to be made between energy and unit particles of matter as structural components of particles.

Because a two unit particle of matter substructure, or doublet substructure, is manifested by the neutrino in two different ways, one is forced to recognize that there must be a mechansim that negates the positive unit particle of matter and the negative unit particle of matter from annihilating within the doublet particle structure.

The immediate deduction allowed after the realization of the existence of a doublet substructure is that matter is not destructible. If matter is not destructible, matter is permanent in nature.

If matter is permanent in nature, then it can be proposed that energy is removed from the particle structural units in particle annihilations, not that the unit particles are destroyed. The unit particles of matter within the particle and anti-particle in the annihilation, could be supposed to still exist after the particle/anti-particle annihilations, just with the energy squeezed from their electrical fields.

If matter were permanent in nature, then a cold energyless doublet substructure must also exist. A cold energyless doublet substructure particle is a particle which has no energy as part of the particle structure and no momentum energy either.

If a cold energyless doublet particle existed, then that energyless doublet particle could be the most common state of matter since the energyless doublet particle would be the lowest possible energy state of matter, zero energy.

If a doublet massless energyless particle existed, then it would be extremely likely that there would be a great many of that particle type in existence since the mechanism that predicts their existence, namely the permanent nature of matter, negates the destruction of the unit particles in matter/anti-matter annihilations.

The first question that came to mind was, "Could an ocean of massless nothing doublet particles be the dark matter sought to explain galactic rotation as a gravitational interaction?"

The initial visualization was that galactic matter could be riding in a flow of current, a vortex, in a background ocean of cold massless matter. Like clouds riding the currents of wind around a hurricane, clouds of gas in space could be riding a background flow of background matter around the galaxy.

In this case, galactic matter would be carried along by the flow of the background ocean of massless matter, and the 95% missing mass required to explain galactic rotation would no longer be required. Which means, the 95% more mass required to explain galactic rotation as a gravitational interaction would naturally be missing because it is simply not there (a strong clue).

Suppose currents in the background ocean bring matter to a galaxy and then swirl the galactic matter around the center in a vortex of current analogous to how clouds are brought to hurricanes by winds, winds which then swirl the clouds around the center of the hurricane.


If the rotation of galaxies were supposed to be a vortex of flow in a background ocean of matter, then by what mechanism could massless energyless nothing particles exhibit force on galactic matter?

To determine how a background of energyless particles could exhibit a force on galactic matter, thereby causing galactic rotation, the interaction of forces at the quantum level must be considered. At the level of the particles, strong magnetic fields can have strong effects working on the intrinsic magnetic dipoles of the atoms.

Could it be that the flow involved in magnetic flux is a manifestation of the flow of the background ocean of massless matter?

Investigation of the flow of magnetic flux in electromagnetic interactions lead to the deduction that magnetic flux is the flow of the background of matter particles.

The proposition that magnetic flux is the flow of the background of cold massless matter has many interesting consequences. One consequence is that if galactic rotation is caused by the flow of the background ocean of cold massless matter, and if magnetic flux is the flow of the background of matter, it follows that galactic rotation is primarily an electromagnetic interaction.

The deduction that galactic rotation is primarily an electromagnetic interaction fits squarely with the plasma cosmology view that galactic rotation is primarily an electromagnetic interaction, not primarily a gravitational interaction. The conclusion that galactic rotation is primarily an electromagnetic interaction was arrived at here through particles physics, as opposed to first discipline to arrive at the conclusion, which was plasma physics.


If a background of matter existed, it would absorb and then re-radiate energy same as every other known body of matter. There should be a thermal blackbody radiation emmanating from a background of matter, and there is.

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is proposed to be the thermal blackbody radiation of the background of matter.

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is the thermal radiation of a body of matter, just as one would normally expect when encountering a perfect thermal radiation curve, and the body of matter that is radiating is the background of matter.

The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is a direct measure of the temperature of the background of matter. The background of matter has a temperature of 2.7 °K.


The difference between the theoretical magnetic moment predicted with virtual particle screening and the measured magnetic moment is better than one part in one billion.

The source of mattter required for virtual particles in the phenomenon know as virtual particle screening could be supposed to be the background ocean of matter particles, which are temporarily organized by the energy of the screened particle.


If matter were permanent in nature, a source of matter would be required for particle creations. The source of matter would have to be universal.

The background of matter could be supposed to be the source of matter needed for particle creation events.

The source of matter in particle creation events is proposed to be the background of matter. The background of matter massless doublet particles could then be supposed to be the root particles of matter, the source of unit particles of matter.

The source of matter in particle creation events is proposed to be the same solution as proposed for the missing mass of galactic rotation, and for the source of magnetic flux, and for the source of the cosmic microwave background radiation, all are manifestations of the background of matter.


An important consequence of the existence of the unit particle of matter substructure theory, and the subsequent theory of the background of matter, is that a clear distinction can now be made between matter and mass as particle structural components.
If matter were permanent in nature, then the `m' famous in the equation E=mc2 would clearly stand for mass, and mass only, not matter.

The `m' famous in the equation E=mc2 is presently confused in the `m' in the word matter, because mass and matter are both observed to be created and destroyed.

Because matter is permanent in nature, as evidenced by a doublet neutrino, the `m' in the equation can now be seen to represent mass and mass only. It is particle combinations of matter and energy that can be created from the energy of photons in creation events, not the matter itself.

Unit particles of matter within a doublet substructure means that matter is permanent in nature, and matter being permanent allows for a clear distinction to be made between mattter and energy as particle component in a particle structure.

It is combinations of matter and energy, or particles, that are transformed from a particle combinations of rest mass structural energy with rest mass structural energy converted to the zero rest mass of the photons. No mass-energy or matter is created or destroyed.

The `m' in the equation E=mc2 stands for mass, not matter.


It is proposed that the background of matter defines the three dimensions of space of the General Theory of Relativity concept of spacetime.

It is proposed that spacetime has two components, space defined by the three dimensions of the background of matter, and time is defined by the "rotation" of energy.

It is proposed that idea that galactic matter is being carried in great currents in a background ocean of matter is the same description of nature as the General Theory of Relativity concept that the curvature of spacetime is determined by the presence of mass.

It is proposed that the flow of the background of matter carrying galactic matter in great currents is the same mechanism as the General Theory of Relativity idea that the curvature of spacetime is the cause of gravity.

The General Theory of Relativity proposes thinking of gravity as the curvature of spacetime. The General Theory of Relativity describes the geometry of spacetime as caused by the interaction of mass-energy and the fabric of space, the background of matter.

Summary of the Unit Particle of Matter Substructure

Chapter 1 The Universal Ocean
Chapter 3 The Steps of Deduction
Chapter 4 Evidence of a Background of Matter

Title Page of the Nature of Matter
Table of Contents of the Nature of Matter

Last Update: April 20, 1998
Comments: Starlight Publishing
Created May 9, 1997 Copyright © 1998 Starlight Publishing Company Hermosa Beach, CA