Section 1 Hadrons
Section 2 Bosons
Section 3 Hyperons
Section 4 Mouns
Section 5 Intermediate Vector Bosons

MUONSSection 4


A muon is composed of a muon neutrino, an electron neutrino and a unit particle of matter all bound by the weak force.

Positive Muon Negative Muon

The muons are illustrated as being composed of exactly their decay products, however the internal structure of the muon prior to decay may be different than its decay products. The positive muon is illustrated as being composed of a positron, an electron neutrino, and a muon anti-neutrino. The negative muon is illustrated as being composed of an electron, an electron anti-neutrino, and a muon neutrino. The decay of each of the two muons is illustrated below. The smaller arrows in the illustrations indicate the north end of the magnetic dipole.

positive muon =positron + electron neutrino + muon anti-neutrino neutrino

negative muon =electron + anti-neutrino + muon neutrino
A more aesthetically appealing configuration of the muons requires that the muon neutrino component be converted during decay into its anti-matter or matter counterpart. The muon neutrino conversion would require its unit particle of matters to reverse their spin.

Alternative Muon Configurations

Positive Muon Negative Muon

The above configuration of a muon allows it to be seen why the single unit particle of matter emitted in decay tends to emerge toward the natural direction of the spin axis. The tendency of the single unit particle of matter to emerge toward the natural direction of the spin axis is parity violation. The above configuration is also easier to account for when a muon is created in a charged pion decay.

The alignment of the spin axes of the composing particle elements of the muon can explain why the positron emitted in the weak force decay of a positive muon tends to be right handed and why the electron emitted in a negative muon weak force decay tends to be left handed. Since the unit particle of matters emerge from the decay traveling in the natural direction on their spin axis, the unit particle of matters exhibit their natural (inherent) spin direction.


A muon neutrino is composed of at least four strong force bound unit charge unit particle of matter bound together linearly in a quadruplet.

muon anti-neutrino muon neutrino
right spin
left spin

The two types of muon neutrinos parallel the two types of electron neutrinos. The alignment of the composing units of matter on their collective magnetic dipole axes determines whether the muon neutrino will exhibit right or left hand spin.

If the north end of the magnetic dipole is pointed toward the end that terminates in a positive nit charge of matter, then that muon neutrino will always exhibit right hand spin. The muon neutrino that has the north end of the magnetic dipole pointed toward the end that terminates in a negative unit charge of matter will always exhibit left hand spin.

The muon neutrino is speculated to be composed of four unit particle of matters simply because that configuration is the next available even numbered linear configuration past the electron neutrino. The muon neutrino must be composed of an even number of units of matter and four is the first even number past two.

It actuality the muon may be a singlet with just a stable higher energy loop.

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Table of Contents of the Nature of Matter

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Last Update May 23, 2000Created May 10, 1997

Copyright © 2000 Starlight Publishing Company Hermosa Beach, CA