Section 1 The Strong Nuclear Force Color Charge
Section 2 The Strong Nuclear Force Color Charge
Section 3 SU(3) Symmetry and The Strong Nuclear Force
Section 4 Asymptotic Freedom

Section 1

The deduction of the Unit Particle of Matter Substructure Theory, and the subsequent distinction between matter and energy as components of Standard Model particles, elucidated the nature of the tripolar charge of energy in quarks.

As deduced by the Unit Particle of Matter Substructure Theory, the tripolar color charge of the strong nuclear force is caused by the energy composing a quark being bound in a closed loop rotation about a quark triplet unit particle of matter substructure. The tripolar color charge is evidence of a triplet substructure of quarks, a substructure composed of three, unit charge, unit particles of matter (Figure 1).

The energy bound in rotation within the quark substructure is proposed to be the same as in the case of the electron where one rotation is one half of a wavelength, only in the case of the quark, the one half of a wave rotation must contend with three centers of charge, not just one.

The gluons are the strong force carriers and exhibit the strong force color charge. Gluons are proposed to be the energy units composing the quark, which are in rotation about the quark unit particle of matter triplet substructure. The quark triplet substructure which gives rise to the tripolar nature of the gluons in the strong force.

Section 2

The author proposes that the strong force is fundamentally an electromagnetic force and that the strong force simply appears different than the familiar manifestations of electromagnetic force because of the vastly different distances between the centers of charge within the quark triplet substructure with its tripolar centers and much higher amounts of energy versus the distances between centers of charge of classical electrical charge involving electrons and atomic nuclei with single centers of charge and much lower amounts of energy.

The major difference between strong force interactions and classical electrical interactions which makes them appear as different forces is the amount of energy in closed electrical field lines between the two types of interactions. When centers of charge are as close as in the strong force of the quark triplet substructure, the electrical field lines are highly deformed, and yet they contain high energy as opposed to classical electrical fields which involve much lower amounts of energy in rotation about one or two centers of charge and involving much less energy inthe closed loop electrical field lines.

The strong nuclear force is a manifestation of electromagnetic force in which the distances involved between centers of electrical charge are within the structure of quarks as opposed to the distances between the centers being the distances of atomic nuclei and electrons.

High energy gluons carve tight gluon field lines whereas 'virtual photons' carve much less tight electrical field lines.

This view fits with Robert Mills view of quark color confinement in which gluon field lines are strings of energy which require energy to be stretched. Dr. Mills view is correct because it involves energy in a tight closed loop rotation (a string) while the proposed unit particle substructure also proposes closed loop bound energy in rotation.

Space Time and Quanta - an introduction to contemprary physics" by Robert Mills
published by W. H. Freemen 1994
(page 72)

The above illustration is of the gluon field between two quarks as imagined by Dr. Robert Mills of the famous Yang-Mills Theory. The illustration is taken from Part III of "Space Time and Quanta - an introduction to contemporary physics" by Robert Mills published by W. H. Freemen 1994, except Part III which is more slightly more technical and is thankfully published by Dr. Mills.

Quoting Dr. Mills on page 72 of Part III:

"It is generally believed, in fact, that when two color charges are far apart there may be a strong gluon field at all points along a sort of string joining them, as illustrated in Figure 1 for the case of the R quark and the R-bar quark - the anti-particle of an R quark. The lines joining the R quark and the R-bar quark are the gluon field lines and no matter how far apart the quarks are the field strength along the string is undiminished.

This is in contrast to the case of electric charges where the field distribution is more like that shown in Fig. 2 and the field strength is much weaker in the space between the charges than it is near the charges. In the case of color the energy in the gluon field is more or less constant along the string, so the total energy is proportional to the length of the string. The either apart you pull the strings the more energy you have to supply, which is the same as saying that the force between them doesn't diminish with distance. "

Section 2

The SU(3) symmetry associated with the strong nuclear force is proposed to be caused by the triplet unit particle of matter substructure proposed for the quarks.

Quark internal energy interacts with the quark substructure and manifests the tripolar nature of the quark. Energy interactions with the quark tripolar internal energy, which is in rotation about three centers of charge, exhibit the SU(3) symmetry of the quark internal energy.

The strong force, or energy interactions involving quarks, exhibit SU(3) symmetry because the quark is composed of three co-located U(1) centers of energy rotation in which the energy is in a closed loop rotation or "special" rotation. The "S" in SU(3) stands for 'special' as SU(3) is special unitary symmetry in three dimensions. It can be viewed as energy rotation around three centers of rotation with a constant amount of energy.

Section 3

Asymptotic freedom is manifestation the unit particles of matter that compose quarks, and neutrinos, and photons, reaching a state of equilibrium in their mutual attraction when within a particle substructure.

Asymptotic freedom is the manifestation of unit particles of matter reaching a state of equilibrium in their attraction to one another mediated by, well who knows what really, could be the dynamics of electrical field deformation, or could be electrical field neutralization by opposing electrical field lines, or just plain physical contact, or something else. The point is, the unit particles of matter are not destructible and they reach a state of equilibrium in their mutual attraction.

Part III Chapter 4 The Nature of Fractional Charge
Part III Chapter 6 The Nature of the Weak Force

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Last Update April 20, 2000Created: April 4, 1997

Copyright © 2000 Starlight Publishing Company Hermosa Beach, CA