A universal background of matter was deduced to exist which is an ocean of invisible energyless particles of pure matter which fills all space.
Magnetic flux, the missing mass of galactic rotation, and the cosmic background radiation are all evidence of the background of matter. Magnetic flux is the flow of the background particles caused by the flow of energy. The cosmic background radiation is the thermal radiation of the background of matter. Galactic rotation is a manifestation of the flow of the background of matter.
The background of matter was deduced to exist in four steps of deduction.
The Four Steps of DeductionThe deduction of the existence of the universal background of matter was made possible by the prior deduction of the unit particle of matter substructure of Standard Model particles.
The first two steps of deduction deduce the unit particle of matter substructure of the Standard Model particles, quarks and neutrinos.
The unit particle of matter substructure deduction of Standard Model particles explains these phenomena:
- The source of wave-particle duality.
- The source of weak force parity violation.
- The source of fractional charge in quarks.
- Why there are only two members in each neutrino family.
- The source of the magnetic dipole of the neutrino.
- The source of unidirectional quantum angular momentum of the neutrino.The unit particle of matter substructure theory made clear the distinction between units of energy and unit particles of matter as components of Standard Model particles.
The distinction between units of energy and unit particles of matter as components of Standard Model particles lead to the deduction of massless doublet particles, particles which had no momentum energy, nor structural energy, particles composed purely of matter.
The deduction of particles of pure matter allowed for the deduction the universal background of matter because the background is composed of an ocean of particles of pure matter.
Seven categories of physical phenomena are offered as evidence of the existence of the background of matter, including magnetic flux and galactic rotation.
20 present mysteries of science are easily explained once one has the knowledge of the unit particle of matter substructure of Standard Model particles and the knowledge of the deduction of the universal background of matter.
20 PROBLEM or PHENOMENON EXPLAINED Part Chapter Section 1 The Wave-Particle Duality of Nature III 11 2 The Defintion of Time III 12 3 The Nature of Rest Mass III 3 4 The Nature of Magnetic Flux I 4 2 ; III 7 5 Neutrino Helicity I 3 2 6 Weak Force Parity Violation I 3 2 ; III 6 7 Why/How a Neutral Particle can possess a Magnetic Dipole I 3 2 8 The Fractional Charge of Quarks I 3 1 ; III 4 9 The Cause of the Tripolar Color Charge of the Strong Force III 5 ; III 10 10 Asymptotic Freedom of the Strong Force III 5 11 SU(3) Symmetry of the Strong Force III 10 12a SU(2) U(1) Symmetry of the Weak Force
III 10 ; III 6 12b SU(2) Symmetry portion of Weak Force III 10 13 U(1) Symmetry of the Electromagnetic Force III 10 14a Pair Creation I 4 5 ; III 2 1 14b Pair Annihilation I 3 3 15 The Spin and Statistics Theorem III 2 3 16 The Missing Mass of Galactic Rotation I 4 1 ; III 1 1 17 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation I 4 3 ; III 1 2 18 The Lumpiness Problem III 1 3 ; III 15 19 The Age Problem III 15 ; III 15 2 20 Matter Dominance over Anti-Matter Problem III 2 2 The universal background of matter was deduced to exist, not created ad hoc.
THE NATURE OF MATTER by James Rees details the four steps of deduction which lead to the discovery of the universal background of matter.Table of Contents
Part I Chapter 1 The Background of Matter
Part I Chapter 3 The Steps of Deduction of the Background of Matter
Part I Chapter 4 Evidence of the Background of MatterSummary of the Steps of Deduction of the Background of Matter
Summary of the Unit Particle of Matter Substructure
20 Present Physics Mysteries Explained - Chart of ExplanationsThe deduction of the unit particle of matter substructure of Standard Model particles made clear the distinction between energy and matter as components of particles. Units of energy and unit of matter were deduced to be the two only building blocks of Standard Model particles.
The universal background of matter was deduced to be composed of particles made of only of units of matter, particles which have no energy, neither rest mass-energy nor momentum energy. The particles of pure matter composing the background of matter were realized to be the ultimate source of the unit particles of matter which form the substructures of Standard Model particles.
Updated: August 4, 1999
Created July 25, 1999